The core part of the hub is our design challenge model. These challenges are identified from listening to what matters to local residents. This includes reflecting on the unconferences and the topics identified, as well as reviewing Mayoral priorities, recent local publications, and conversations with residents and local organisations.
Design challenges follow four phases:
Listen - Engaging people around an area of common cause
Convene - Turning common cause into common challenge
Collaborate - Local people working together to find solutions
Pilot & Socialise - Local organisations driving the solutions forward
This methodology has been tested with young people in Hackney over the last 6 months. See here for more info on our pilot.
It includes, at a minimum a half-day ‘unconference’ event, bringing 20-40 people together interested in covering a key theme (e.g. see our blog), three workshops where a group of 15-25 individuals (with lived experience, organisations or individuals working to address the problem) agree the specific challenge to be addressed, and co-produce a new or improved programme, and access to a grant for an organisation to deliver the co-produced idea. See our funding packages for more info on how to support the Civic Hub design challenges.
Other activities and elements sometimes included as part of the design challenge process to improve the quality of the service developed, increase wider buy-in across the community, and further develop skills and local ownership include: